This blog post is an advertisement feature for Schwarzkopf


I’ve never been to a festival. I guess I’ve always associated it with being a filthy mess and feeling claustrophobic due to the thousands of people all wanting to do the same thing. I like my own space and I don’t particularly like late nights or loud crowds (I know what you’re thinking, total party animal, right?) but that’s just me - and so I (wrongly) assumed that festivals just wouldn't be my cup of tea.


And then Schwarzkopf invited me to Port Eliot in Cornwall. I looked at the website and was instantly surprised - a festival with arts and crafts and wellness and workshops and music and incredible food and fashion and and and and?

I mean, it’s safe to say I was excited. A family friendly experience that catered for every kind of person? To be honest I didn’t think it existed.

Apparently it hadn't rained for the last nine years, and so naturally the weather was pretty catastrophic this time around. I was worried it would dampen the experience for me (pun intended), but actually it made it.

I sat under my umbrella, holding Jamie’s hand, watching the world go by. Children jumping in puddles, wellies lost to mud acting as quick-sand. Time stood still, then.

Everyone was so happy.

I felt the patter of rain hit my cheeks and the smell of hotdogs filled the air. You could almost taste the positivity. I wouldn't have been anywhere else.

The reason I was there was to help promote my favourites, Schwarzkopf. For the first time ever, they’d created a completely unique space: a salon, quite literally in the middle of a field. Open to anyone and everyone for free hairstyling.The queues were round the block and the atmosphere was incredible. Everyone wanted to get involved and make themselves feel sparkly and new. When you’re knee deep in mud it can be pretty hard to feel your best but the salon ticked all the boxes.

We could all be whoever we wanted - from crazy pastel colours (that are totally temporary so wash out after 3 washes) to glitter and space buns, plaits and curls to up-do’s and wigs, they had it all.

I let Lyndell Mansfield, their incredible LIVE Colour Ambassador, loose on my locks. The LIVE Colour Pastel sprays (RRP £4.29) meant we could take risks that wouldn't leave their mark. You apply the spray to dampened hair and blow dry it in, simple. A temporary pink on one side and apricot peach on the other, I felt so cool. We painted got2b glued spiking glue on my parting, doused it in glitter then set it with got2b glued blasting freeze spray for the ultimate hold (both RRP £4.07) and in that moment I fully understood what it was to enjoy a festival.

I’m 28 years old and with age, comes a natural growth out of crazier concepts - but in that environment, that safe space, no matter my age, no matter my style, I was every person I’ve ever dreamt I’d be.

My hair has always been my outlet for experimentation and the Got2b salon unleashed another side I didn't know existed.

Port Eliot, you were a total dream. A place of escapism, a community of likeminded individuals without judgement or question. A place I’ve never felt so at home.

Photography by Jamie - All photos taken on OLYMPUS, get 25% off yours here.





