I just wanted to take today’s post to say thank you. I’vebeen moaning a fair bit recently and even though I try my best to stay positiveon my social platforms sometimes you just can't force a smile - you have that needto say: 'Hey, I'm feeling crap' so people understand you’re not just a poo-head thatdoesn’t care. I’m not going to go in to why I have been feeling rubbishbecause, well it’s just not something I’m ready or want to talk about.

All I know is that sometimes we just find ourselves in adark place, where we’d rather go for a walk alone, listening to sad music inour headphones that make us feel even more sorry for ourselves and just have a(big) cry *insert Bridget Jones clip here* And I think that sometimes, that’s okay. We need that release and it’simportant to help us feel human.
But what’s also important is to be thankful and rememberthe positive side to every dark situation. It may sound completely ludicrous,but throughout this low point, I’ve had you. You’ve been there supporting me,knowingly or not, every comment, every tweet, every ‘like’, every share makesthe hurt a little less. Unless you write a blog it may be hard to understand,but the support through this community is like nothing else I’ve ever experienced.I wish that I could collect you all in to one HUGE person and squeeze you allso tight, because you give me strength.
My blog is what I turn to, to remember that I’m notrubbish. Actually, I’m quite awesome thank you very much. I run this littleblog by myself and put so much hard work in to it that at times it can feellike a full-time job in itself. But it’s totally worth it for the emotionalreward that it brings.
So thank you, thank you, thank you. For being there, for being absolutely ace in every way and for being my silver lining. You are more amazing than you could know.

