A blog post on the perfect nights sleep with John Lewis Home, including relaxation techniques and comfy clothes
A blog post on the perfect nights sleep with John Lewis Home, including relaxation techniques and comfy clothes
A blog post on the perfect nights sleep with John Lewis Home, including relaxation techniques and comfy clothes
A blog post on the perfect nights sleep with John Lewis Home, including relaxation techniques and comfy clothes

Life at the moment just seems to be a never ending whirlwind of madness. Good madness, mind - but madness nonetheless.Needless to say sleep is one of the things I look forward to most of late. It may sound silly but it's true - to function as the best possible version of myself a bloody good nights sleep is what I need.My bedroom is my sanctuary. My quiet place. My escape. When I'm here it's for pure relaxation and that's just the way I like it.So, what does a good nights sleep involve?Asides from the world's comfiest bed (fact) it's the little things that help me sleep well.I'll always have at least one bath a week to help me relax but something that's paramount for me is having wind down time before turning off the lights. I like to have a mug of peppermint tea, snuggle down in my comfies and read a book - forgive me for being old-fashioned but there needs to be a time where mobile phones are put down: allow yourself to remember who you are outside of the internet.Almost every night I'll apply a body moisturiser with ingredients that promote a calm and deep sleep, such as lavender or chamomile and I'll also make sure I've laid out all my clothes for the next day.You may say that all of the points above don't typically aid a good nights sleep - but it's all relative, it's about what your mind needs to relax. And it's these little things combined together that leave me with that tranquil, rested feeling.What's your idea of the perfect nights sleep? Join in and share your tips using #JohnLewis on Twitter! 

Duvet: Dunelm Mill
Cushions: John Lewis (baby deer + stag)
Teddy Bear: John LewisBedside Lamps: The Range
Mugs: John Lewis
Throw: John Lewis
Foot Duvets: John Lewis
*Some of these items have been sent to me for review purposes. 
All opinions and views mentioned are my own.

