coronavirus-blog-helpHello you lovely bunch of humans. I'm sure this and every other blog post you open to read over the coming weeks will start similarly. Apologies for that! I wasn't even really sure what to title it. But together felt right, because we are. We're all in this together. (High School Musical just knew). What a strange and unsettling time this is. Coronavirus has swept the rug out from all of our feet, I'm sure you'll agree. And in the midst of all this uncertainty, I wanted to try and keep a little normality going. I'd love to continue sharing the bits and bobs I already had shot and planned - in the hope that it can add some light relief to the news. A momentary distraction from everything that's going on, if you will.First though, I just wanted to say - however you're feeling about what's going on, it's totally fine. Keeping safe is key - but when a pandemic hits and literally the entire world isn't sure what to do, it's absolutely okay to be scared. Do what you need to do to make yourself feel calmer.coronavirus-blog-help coronavirus-blog-help


I deleted Twitter off my phone at the weekend. I found it to be the most triggering place for my anxiety. I'd get lost in a rabbit hole of doom and speculation and after a few anxiety attacks I thought I'd better nip it in the bud. I want to stay informed and I most certainly don't want to be ignorant to what is going on, but I've limited myself to checking the news once a day - when the UK government does their official announcement each evening. Since making that decision I feel so much more in control of my emotions. My days feel a little bit easier to navigate, rather than spending the entire time in a pit of worry, I'm reacting to the facts at hand. And I don't know, that makes sense to me.Saying no - that's more than okay, too. Don't feel guilty or worry that people will judge you if you'd rather stay home than go out and see anyone. I know most people are practising self-isolating anyway - but small and safer gatherings are still going ahead (as far as I can see!) And if you don't want to go out, that isn't a problem. It doesn't make you 'silly' or 'rude', just do whatever feels right to you, and know that that's more than likely going to be the right decision.


For those of us that have little ones, I think instagram is an amazing place to find parents who are most certainly in the same boat as you. Cider with Rosie is one of my favourites to watch and in light of this situation, has been sharing her #socialdistancingwithkids tips. From fake baking to washing up and everything in-between.

The Internet

And just instagram in general actually - it's been a place I've been gravitating towards to get lost in art and music and creativity. Fellow creators have kept me inspired and uplifted and that's a wonderful thing to have at our disposal.


One of my go-to accounts for quick and easy meals is Today We Cooked. Think wholesome, healthy, hearty food that feels warming and makes you happy to eat. There's not thousands of ingredients to each dish and they all taste amazing. They even rustled up some homemade gnocchi this week. Which is a blooming brilliant idea given that there's basically no pasta on the shelves!

Doing Your Bit

A lot of us can feel totally helpless at a time like this. But there's absolutely still things you can do to help out in your local community. For example our village has sent out paper flyers to each house. They each have contact numbers for those with the virus or self-isolating to use, and those contacts can: pick up shopping, post mail, be free for a phone call, pick up urgent supplies etc.You can also sign up for The Cinnamon Trust. A charity to help the elderly and terminally ill with looking after their pets. Usually it's a dog walking service, but you can also be on hand to fetch pet food or medication, or indeed make urgent vet visits if required. Just email: to enquire.

coronavirus-blog-help coronavirus-blog-helpOf course this doesn't cover all bases - but hopefully it gives you a little inspiration on how to take care of yourself and others whilst we all navigate the next steps. Together we can try and make each day a little brighter.I'm sending you and yours so much love and well-wishes. Please stay safe, and if you feel like popping back here over the next week or so, I'll be posting as normal.Megs x



Photography by Ewa.

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